When and why do cats purr? Cat Purr Sound Meaning, Mechanism, and Effect


If you've ever had a cat, you've probably heard the gurgling sound of a cat. The appearance of a cat purring is very cute.

What does this rumbling sound mean? This time, we will answer such questions and get to the bottom of the truth about cats purring.

Why do cats purr?

It is believed that the mechanism by which a cat purrs is produced by the contraction of the muscles of the larynx, which corresponds to the Buddha's throat in humans, and the vibration of the vocal cords. not elucidated. It seems that there are several theories, so I will introduce them.

The theory that the sound is produced by swirling blood

The large blood vessels (caval veins) that pass through the throat are responsible for collecting blood from all over the body and sending it to the heart. Increased blood flow in the vena cava causes the blood to swirl, producing a low-pitched sound. The vibration caused by the sound is amplified by the diaphragm, and it is a mechanism such as a gurgling sound.

The theory that there is a false vocal cord to make a gurgling sound

The vocal cords in the larynx open and close to produce a cry, and humans and other animals also have vocal cords. In the case of cats, there is also a separate organ called "pseudo vocal cords", and there is a theory that by moving this part, they purr. The vocal cords are used to make a “meow” sound, and the false vocal cords are used to make a “rumbling” sound.

When do cats purr? 

There are actually various types of this rumbling sound, and it seems to have a different meaning for each scene.

1. Rumbling smile

Cats often purr when they are relaxed or happy. For example, a pet cat that has grown close to its owner often makes a gurgling sound when being held.

It is interpreted as equivalent to a human "smile" because it can convey to the people around you that you are happy and that you are in a happy state.

This rumbling sound is characterized by a mid-low tone, and the volume is somewhat modest. It's one of the most common types of meows you'll hear if you have a cat.

2. Communication between mother and child

Rumbling sounds are also used for communication between mother cats and kittens. When the mother cat approaches her kittens, she makes a purring sound to communicate.

Kittens on the other hand cannot purr when they are born, but they can by two days old. It is believed that kittens purr to tell their mother that they are fine.

This rumbling sound is almost the same pitch as Smile's rumbling. Kittens up to 3 weeks old are characterized by a low volume, but after that, the volume of the sound is no different from a smiley gurgling.

It may be that they relax when they are together with their parents, just as they feel safe with their owners.

3. A rumbling sound when in a pinch or in pain

The rumbling sound is emitted not only when the mother and child are relaxed, but also when they are in a pinch or in pain.

For example, when injured, trying to avoid a fight, during childbirth, or on the verge of death.
 If your dog is rumbling on an examination table at a veterinary hospital, it seems that this is the reason why it is often ringing.

This rumbling sound is characterized by being even lower than 1 and 2. If it is making a soft rumbling sound, it may be suffering, so be careful.

Why is there an unusual rumbling sound? 

The rumbling sounds introduced so far are mainly low-pitched sounds, but there are times when they produce slightly high-pitched rumbling sounds. It may be the "gurgling request" you make when demanding something.

It is also said to be the voice they make when they want food or when they want something from their owner. In one experiment, when we listened to the high-frequency voices that were emitted when a request was made, many of the respondents, even those who had never owned a cat, said, "For some reason, I had the impression that there was urgency." It seems that.

The cat may be manipulating the owner with a purring sound.

Some cats never purr for the rest of their lives 

Not all cats make gurgling sounds, and some cats never make gurgling sounds for the rest of their lives. However, cats that are not used to humans tend not to purr. In such a case, you can increase the opportunities for physical contact and stroke your favorite points, and it may gradually start ringing.

Even if your cat has a hard time purring, don't get impatient and slowly build trust with each other.

By the way, even within the same cat family, lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards do not seem to make gurgling sounds, but cheetahs, lynxes, and mountain lions seem to make gurgling sounds.
 When you go to the zoo, it might be a good idea to pay attention not only to the gallant appearance of large animals but also to the rumbling sounds.

You should also read about diarrhea in cats.

Rumbling sound benefits humans 

The frequency of a cat's purring sound is said to be a low frequency of about 25 hertz. In fact, sounds between 20 and 50 Hz have the effect of making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant, which relieves tension in the body.

The parasympathetic nervous system is the nerve that restores the body after it has been exhausted by activity, and is essential for restoring fatigue and damage to a healthy state. As self-care, there are many people who take advantage of the parasympathetic nerves by doing half-body bathing and yoga.

By making the parasympathetic nervous system dominant, you can not only relieve stress but also improve your immunity.

Low frequencies also have the effect of secreting serotonin, which gives you a feeling of euphoria. It seems that the cat's purring sound has the surprising power to adjust the autonomic nervous system and hormone balance.

In France, using this, "rumbling therapy", which incorporates the sound of rumbling into treatment and relaxation, is being performed. If you live with a cat, you may be healthy without knowing it.

The rumbling sound was not only cute, but it also seemed to help maintain the owner's health. When you want to relieve your fatigue, you can of course spend time with your cat, but if you have pets other than cats, it might be a good idea to visit a "cat cafe". The cute cats are sure to relax your mind and body.


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