Why cat blinks eyes | Is a cat blinking a sign of affection or love | Cat Eyes Blinkig

 Is a cat blinking a sign of love?

Affection expression to the owner "I love you! I trust you"

Cats are animals that blink very little compared to humans. Humans blink about 20 times per minute, while cats about 3 times per minute. A cat that usually doesn't blink often blinks while looking at its owner is a sign of "I love you! When the cat blinks, please blink slowly and reply "I love you too!" As you repeat it a few times, your feelings for each other will be transmitted, and your bond will deepen.

"Answer" to the call

When you call the cat's name, there is also a cat that blinks and responds with the meaning of "Hey, I'm listening."

Some cats respond by meowing, but it is said that only humans respond with such meowing sounds.

This is because in the outside world where feral cats live, even small meows can be deadly, so cats do not use meows to communicate with each other. It is said that they communicate their feelings through eye movements such as blinking, ears, and tail movements.

Also, unlike dogs that react with their whole bodies as they get along better, it is said that the deeper the relationship of trust with a cat owner, the more restrained the reaction of a cat. I think it's something like "Isshin koshin", which is what people call each other, "I understand even if you don't put it in words." It makes me very happy to think that even though the response was faint and unrelated at first glance, I was actually giving a signal in a blink of an eye.

Knowing that there was such meaning in blinking makes me feel even more endearing.

On the other hand, how do cats feel when they are not blinking? It is a sign of hostility or when you are wary of danger. It is said that cats only make eye contact with their parents and siblings. If the cat is not hostile, I will look away, but the cat will feel that I have 'fought a fight'.

I understand that cats are so cute that you want to stare at them, but please be careful not to stare at them. If you make eye contact, look away or blink slowly to tell him that you are not hostile.

Be careful with blinking like this!

A blink that has the meaning of expressing affection and replying. However, depending on how you blink, it may indicate an illness or some kind of disorder. See your veterinarian if:

Blinking with only one eye

If only one eye is blinking, there may be something wrong with the eye that is not blinking. It is possible that there is dust or upside-down eyelashes in the eyes, or that the dog may have been injured by hitting furniture or other objects, so it is advisable to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Frequent blinking

If you blink frequently, you may have an eye disorder, such as:

·    conjunctivitis

·    Keratitis

·    entropion of the eyelid

·    Glaucoma

In addition to frequent blinking, if you notice symptoms such as excessive eye mucus, red and bloodshot whites of the eyes, or excessive tearing, take your dog to the veterinarian immediately. 


Who slowly blinks and tell "I love you"

From here on, we'll introduce you to the soothing Blinking Nyanzu that you'll want to stare at all the time. Please be healed by the blink of a lot of affection.


This is Mugi a 4-year-old boy. He is a soothing cat who is also active as a counselor in the cat club's official Twitter limited project " Neko Neko Counseling Room”. Anyway, please take a look at this gentle and slow blink. What a lovely "gluggy". The appearance of lovingly looking at the owner is overflowing with "I love you!"

According to the owner, Mugi-Kun has been blinking since he was about half a year old. “When I make eye contact with him, call him by name and turn around, or when I slowly say to him, ‘You’re cute, you’re kind, you’re a good boy,’ he blinks. When I'm with him, he gives me such a gentle face," said the owner. Even if you can't understand the language, you can communicate with a cat like this, if you can see a happy expression. There is no moment when you feel so happy.

Mugi-Kun is a gentle boy who loves his family. After the birth of a daughter between the owner and his wife in 2018, the owner once again became aware of Mugi-Kun's affection. Sometimes he plays with his tail, sometimes he sleeps with his daughter while she stares at him, and sometimes he snuggles up to her to see the snow she sees for the first time. just getting higher. "When Mugi blinks gently, I also blink slowly to match Mugi to tell her that I love her." Mugi-Kun's gentle blink has many followers. Mugi-Kun, please continue to heal your family in good health.


Next is Ponzu-chan from Yukino's house. She is an Exotic Shorthair/British Shorthair mix, 10 months old.

"It's been about eight months since I got him, but I've never seen him get angry or scratch his nails at humans, and he's a very calm child," said the owner.

Now, let's take a look at that gentle blink. "When I see him from a distance, he usually blinks. I was very happy when I learned that it was an expression of affection," said the owner. By the way, only when they want food, when their eyes meet, they will cry "nya".

This is another version of Ponzu-chan's blinking video. It seems that Ponzu-chan's owner sits at his desk while he's working ^ ^ "Ponzu-chan likes even people he's met for the first time, so I imagine that he probably loves humans," said the owner. Ponzu-chan, please continue to show your beloved family your gentle blinks!


Lastly, the eyes of Ferri's 5-year-old boy, Rian-Kun. Please take a look now. A gentle look towards the owner. Even without words, if I can say "I love you" like this, it makes me feel happy that we can understand each other's feelings.

Five years ago, the owner of the cat welcomed Rian-Kun from the cat cafe Misis in Yokohama through a connection with a cat. From Ferri's Twitter, not only her love for Rian-Kun, but also her love for Misis, and her kind feelings for the rescued cats waiting for new owners are transmitted.

Rian-Kun has a rather gentle personality. When she first saw Rian's blinking eyes, she thought, "Are you sleepy?" Are you giving it back? It seems that Rian-Kun is shy about the owner's "return" and sometimes looks away like this. It's like the embarrassment of the moment when both of them understand their feelings "That kind of gesture is cute."

Cats are protected by various circumstances. I sincerely hope that as many rescued cats as possible can meet owners who give them such deep affection. Rian-Kun, please continue to say “I love you!” and heal your owner!



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